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You can pay your Northern Illinois Water Works bill online. Online payments allow you to securely pay your Northern Illinois Water Works bill online using a credit/debit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa). Start by entering your account number below.
Paying your bill over the phone is easy. For fastest service, please contact us at 815.899.4433. Be sure to have your credit card or checking account information handy. You will be provided with a confirmation email for your records.
Northern Illinois Water Works
2155 Oakland Drive, Suite I
Sycamore, IL 60178
Please remember to write your account number on the check. Please do not send cash.
You may pay your bill in person at 2155 Oakland Drive, Suite I, Sycamore, IL 60178
Make paying your bills easier by scheduling automatic monthly payments via Auto Pay. Sign up today!